Friday, April 24, 2009

After the ceremony Shane was basically free for the day so we went and had some lunch with him before saying good-bye.  

I am getting better at remembering to take pictures and even took one with me in it and that won't get posted, but I thought this one was worth putting up. (My kids probably don't think so!)
Shane has now moved to his new destination and all is going well at this point.  They had a small ceremony for them before leaving.  They had his commander give a small speech, they promoted a couple of people and sang their fight song and of course there were refreshments.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Shane spent most of  day Saturday in the hospital, so we were there first thing Sunday to see him.  We went to Olive Garden for lunch and of course me being the picture taker that I am didn't get any pictures of us eating, or of the cake we served for his unit.  We did get a picture of his unit as they were meeting for formation. 

Yet One More Kidney Stone

We had made arrangements so that we could see Shane on his birthday.  We were going down on Sunday and taking cake for everyone in his unit.  He called on Fri. and said he would have a pass from Sat. noon to Sun 1:00 so we decided to go on Sat. and spend the afternoon with him.  Got a phone call early on Sat. morning and he was on his way with a kidney stone instead.  He did pass it and brought it back for everyone to see.